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for the city of Mosul. Its wreckage over a huge surrounding area has caused
disbelief and even cultural trauma.
Who could possibly be responsible?
Some have blamed ISIS, while ISIS has blamed the Iraqi Government. The Coalition
forces have claimed that none of their aircraft were in the area at the specific
date or time of the spectacular explosion. The International Coalition, which
has distanced itself from this heinous crime, has nevertheless substantial
historical and legal responsibility for what has happened.
Hundreds of destructive air operations have rained down on the city of Mosul and
have taken a huge toll on the lives of innocent civilians. This so-called"
collateral damage" has left literally thousands of widows and orphans.
After the Coalition confrontation with ISIS in Mosul, the city already had over
1500 orphans to contend with; now the bombing has created hundreds more, and
according to local reports many people, possibly up to 1000, have been buried in
the rubble of Al-Hadba'a mosque. We of the Expatriate Organisation are of course ourselves Iraqis, many of us from Mosul and surrounds. We are consequently particularly deeply affected by the bombing of the Nouri Mosque. We would hope that we could liaise directly with you and other specialist international organisations, on this and other matters relating to Iraqi historical monuments in the future. We have a large and highly educated membership and could perhaps contribute to your investigations, studies and reports. We would greatly appreciate hearing from you on these suggestionss. We appreciate your Immediate and urgent action, and hope you you will continue in this vein Abdulmunaem Almula The Secretary General of Iraqi International Expatriates Conference London / 22 Jun 2017