شبكة ذي قار

The Golden Era in Arab's history, as we all know, was the era of the Caliph Haroun Al-Rashid. It acquired that nomination as it was the most important period of the Islamic and Arabic history, when the Arab's civilisation reached its highest prosperity in every single field, among which the historic foreign diplomacy.Today, we have the right to call the Arab Baath's era "The
Modern Arab Golden Era" of the twentieth century, when all patriot
activities and individuals have participated, hand in hand, to achieve that
goal. And, yes, the Baath's Era was Golden - with merits - in every aspect thatrelates to Iraq, and the entire Arab Nation, and any single field thatparticipated in building the society and man-kind.The token of this Golden Era, the leader who was crowned withthe all glory of the Arab Nation to carry its flag: Saddam Hussein, the martyr.He had dedicated himself to leading Iraq and the Arab Nation towards theirgoals set by his Baathist comrades in Unity, Freedom, and Socialism, carryingtheir historical slogan of: One Arab Nation, With an Eternal Message.Therefore, both Saddam and his Party were globally targeted inorder not to achieve their goals and principles. No party, entity, or a personhad been targeted similarly; that's why we claim Saddam's, and Baath's, Era as
the Modern Arab Golden Era.

We deserve to decorate our chests with this Golden ornament
centered with a smiling picture of the martyr President looking at the brighter
future of the nation, paved by the liberals and revolutionaries of the nation.
This Gold ingot ornament is centered with a picture of the late
President - crowned with the map of Arab Land - greeting his comrades who
carried his torch and strive to liberate the nation, and achieve the "One
Arab Nation". On his right-hand side sits the national emblem of the
patristic regime led by him -the Iraqi Eagle that represents power and courage
- while on the left side is his 9th martyrdom anniversary since 2006. This
ornament was selected to celebrate this occasion. A special thank is extended
to the Iraqi woman whom design has won for this year (Ms. Haley Al-Baghdadi), a
member of the celebration committee on Netherlands. It's her honor to get herdesign wins as an international symbol celebrating this timeless occasion.Another sincere thank goes to the headquarter of the permanentcommittee of the anniversary, and to Mr. Salam Al-Mukhtar, who stayed in touchuntil selecting this year's ornament. Our thanks go also to all committees and
individuals who participated in submitting a remarkable amount of designs for
this year's celebrations, as we all are proud of them for carrying the name ofSaddam Hussein, the Martyr.We request that all celebration committees to adopt this designas a main character in their activities and participations alongside theirs.Sincerely,Sirwan BabanHead of the preparatory committee for celebrating the 9th martyrdom of PresidentSaddam Hussein5-12-2015Modern Arab Golden Era

الاثنين٢٥ ÕÝÑ ١٤٣٧ ۞۞۞ ٠٧ / ßÇäæä ÇáÇæá / ٢٠١٥

أفضل المقالات اليومية
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