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Organization of the Non-Aligned Movement Civil society organizations Human rights organizations Amnesty International Gentlemen the Arab and Foreign activists at legal and political affaires   Iraqi people masses Latter No. 3     Iraqi People masses present its compliments to all above His Excellency referring to its previous latter 1 and 2 and honor to mention the following There are a lot of conclusive evidence emerged during the term of the Nuri al-Maliki Government in Iraq which  refers to torture, ill-treatment, and not humanitarian treatment in detention centers run by the organs of the government both in the Executive Ministry or in the centers of forces to which it belongs authorities in all parts of Iraq. That were confirmed by the Prominent members of the government on the right of what are said about human rights abuses in Iraqi prisons in which they are detainees of different nationalities Arab and foreign, including large numbers of women. Thy are in crowded, unsafe, unhealthy, and exposure to abuse of physical and psychological conditions. These ways committed at the hands of staff devices security from the police and the army. These evidence definitively confirmed and gathered by the Human Rights Office of the United Nations Mission to help Iraq. They are a  documented evidence of wounds caused by torture and the tools used for this purpose. There are many people with serious admitted to the hospital for treatment as a result of the torture horror . In recent time increased frantically death sentences unfair. There are been sentenced to death many of the detainees by the slander of confidential informant or for reasons of ethnic. That are sectarian reasons confirmed by the Commissioner of private international arbitrary executions of the United Nations in his recent reports. The Iraqi government does not release details of those executions and related provisions , nor the identity of the accused, nor the reasons for judgment. The trials do not meet the minimum conditions of a fair trial, which is based on confessions extracted under torture, according to broadcast some TV stations from confessions of detainees before they even begin trials. The government canceled the basic right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. As is well known that all international organizations and their representatives had been invited to claim to stop finally the continuation of death by that ways,  but it is clear that the Maliki government in Iraq insists on maintaining the death penalty within the legislation contrary to the International Code of Conduct must be adhered to and not executions only in crimes very serious. It emphasizes  on the necessity  to ensure a just, transparent and fair trial, and not to expand the crimes subjected  to the death penalty and reduced to the maximum degree possible. The International law does not allow the application of the death penalty except in very limited circumstances, after a trial which followed the appeal proceedings that scrupulously respect all the principles of a gust trial. The issue of executions in Iraq needs to review as a whole in light of uncertainty in the justice system. The issues are being politicized  or called into question which implemented agendas prepared for this purpose. They are selectively positions, as is happening now. The Iraqi authorities do not allow defendants to choose the lawyers during the investigation, which lasts for long time. It is no doubt that the protests of Iraqi Bar Association and the Union of Jurists in Iraq is the best proof for what has been said. The number of executions carried out so far in Iraq, and the way in which it was carried out of form large batches included without exception Iraqis, Arabs and other nationalities, is a very serious matter. It can not be justified and   violates blatantly implications of international legal rules adopted in several International agreements like the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, in addition of Inhuman cruel, or professional treatment. Many international organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have condemned the repeated mass executions in Iraq, and its reports confirmed the rape of female prisoners during the two phases of the investigation and deportation to the prison. Also  it spoke about the spread of diseases such as scabies and lack of health care.  The policy of the United Nations is clearly  against the death penalty in all of the world, that was confirmed by Mr. Martin Kobler, Head of Mission of the United Nations in Iraq, "UNAMI,". But contrary to that position, the Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan Shammari persisted  of the executions, saying that claims to stop the execution exceeded the rights of victims, and not constitutionally. He stressed that these attempts will not deter the ministry from completing its work in the executions.  The Iraqi People masses which massed peacefully in the streets and the areas of protest, suffering all various of harassment and illegal practices, see that the duty of the concerned human rights, international and regional organizations and all States must formally, clearly and explicitly condemn these serious violations of the rules of international law, and published that in various media, especially the human being as an individual has become in modern times a subject and person of public international law. The violation of his clearly rights form an assault and a violation of international legal rules which requires intervention of the Security Council to stop these violations according to the provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.   The Iraqi People massed peacefully waiting for the answer to their demands, take this opportunity to express their respect great and deep appreciation.     Iraqi People masses

الاربعاء١٣ ÌãÇÏí ÇáËÇäíÉ ١٤٣٤ ۞۞۞ ٢٤ / äíÓÜÜÇä / ٢٠١٣

أفضل المقالات اليومية
المقال السابق طباعة المقال أحدث المقالات دليل المواقع تحميل المقال مراسلة الكاتب
أحدث المقالات المضافة
فؤاد الحاج - العالم يعيد هيكلة نفسه وتتغير توازناته فيما العرب تائهين بين الشرق والغرب
ميلاد عمر المزوغي - العراق والسير في ركب التطبيع
فؤاد الحاج - إلى متى سيبقى لبنان ومعه المنطقة في مهب الريح!
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الاخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟- الحلقة الاخيرة
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الاخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟ - الحلقة السادسة
مجلس عشائر العراق العربية في جنوب العراق - ãÌáÓ ÚÔÇÆÑ ÇáÚÑÇÞ ÇáÚÑÈíÉ Ýí ÌäæÈ ÇáÚÑÇÞ íåäÆ ÇáÔÚÈ ÇáÚÑÇÞí æÇáãÓáãíä ßÇÝÉ ÈãäÇÓÈÉ ÚíÏ ÇáÇÖÍì ÇáãÈÇÑß ÚÇã ١٤٤٥ åÌÑíÉ
مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي - برقية تهنئة إلى الرفيق المناضِل علي الرّيح السَنهوري الأمين العام المساعد و الرفاق أعضاء القيادة القومية
أ.د. مؤيد المحمودي - هل يعقل أن الطريق إلى فلسطين لا بد أن يمر من خلال مطاعم كنتاكي في بغداد؟!
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الاخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟ الحلقة الخامسة
د. أبا الحكم - مرة أخرى وأخرى.. متى تنتهي كارثة الكهرباء في العراق؟!
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الإخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟ ] - الحلقة الرابعة
القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة - نعي الفريق الركن طالع خليل أرحيم الدوري
مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي - المنصة الشبابية / حرب المصطلحات التفتيتية للهوية العربية والقضية الفلسطينية ( الجزء السادس ) مصطلحات جغرافية وأخرى مشبوهة
الناطق الرسمي باسم حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي - تصريح الناطق الرسمي باسم القيادة القومية لحزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي حول مزاعم ومغالطات خضير المرشدي في مقابلاته على اليوتيوب ( الرد الكامل )
مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي - مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي ينعي الرفيق المناضل المهندس سعيد المهدي سعيد، عضو قيادة تنظيمات إقليم كردفان