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That was a clear violation of paragraph (4) of Article (2) of the United Nations Charter which prohibits the mere threat of force. USA violated the principle of Iraqi sovereignty, and its international political independence, in addition of the non-interference principle in the internal affairs of States, which was confirmed by paragraph (7) of Article 2 above. 2. Republic of Iraq subjected to foreign occupation led by the United States and Britain under Security Council resolution 1483/2003. The decision violated clearly the rules of international law provided by Charter of the United Nations. The decision has admitted to loot the sovereignty of a founding member of the United Nations and delivered to the occupier stated aiming to change political system and replace it according with a great desire to controlling the entire region. The Security Council in its resolution that may breach the Charter itself, and agreed on the use of non-legitimate force, returning the case of former imperialist occupation and the International trusteeship States, which ended originally by adopting of the principle of the right of self-determination by the Charter itself. 3. the two occupying states of Iraq acted in the internal affairs and exercised legislative, judicial and executive powers, which was clear breach of the concept of occupation, approved by international conventions, like, for example, the Geneva Conventions of 1949. 4. USA not only did occupied Iraq but came customers and established governments do not have the authority to make decisions for the duration of its staying in Iraq. Later USA was forced to leave by the heroic Iraqi resistance. It left governments call themselves elected by people according to a sectarian Constitution Abandoning of all meaning of the law, the right, and logic. The Iraqi now Constitution appears all the meanings of sectarian, ethnic and religious discrimination in clear contradiction with the United Nations resolutions on the fight against discrimination and apartheid.Second- The Iraqi governments formulated after the forcing withdrawal of USA military of Iraq especially the current Maliki government and its repressive organs practices worst forms of injustice and oppression against the Iraqi people which all the world hear and see. The States and international organizations are stay in the strange silence and suspicious that should take care of and defend human rights. In below some of these practices:   1. The Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki exercises all kinds of corruption, oppression and repression of the Iraqi people.2. The current Iraqi government exercise ethical violations of physical and psychological silks against women who their number exceeded of thousands in detention by the tyrannical Iraqi government.3. The Maliki government practices racist and hateful sectarianism reflect the hatred and helpfulness repugnant lose their capacity to govern Iraq.4. The government of Nouri al-Maliki talk in a threatening manner to all the people who say no to tyranny, no to dictatorship, no to sectarian, no to odious tyranny.5. There are Torture and rape of prisoners of women, especially in the Kadhimiy in Baghdad and Babylon prisons which Recognized by the government authorities them self.6. The Iraqi authorities use the force and coercion to take confessions from prisoners, contrary to the laws during the investigation and detention.7. There are many secret prisons for detainees existing by the other government organs not belong to the Ministry of Justice who responsible for prisons in Iraq.8. The Iraqi government follows the policies of exclusion and marginalization of many of the components of the Iraqi people, whether they are in or out of power.9. The Iraqi government have a Act of terrorism legislation, allows to the Maliki organs to arrest and detention without trial for each who not with its sectarian and racist policy, and there are a lot of innocent prisoners under the name of terrorism just to oppose such a policy.   10. There is a legislation of the so-called "law of the justice and accountability" to punish the members of the former government of Baath Party, denying of their functional rights and under the pretext of political member to Baath party that was banned his political activities, threat of all opponents of the current government policy to apply the law to them, depriving them and their families of the simplest legal rights . Third – The Iraqi People masses who oppressed now that show peaceful protests in all provinces in Iraq clearly appear on satellite television and other communication devices call upon all States, international and regional organizations, human rights associations and civil society to stand by the masses of peaceful Iraqi people oppressed, and work on support them renouncing all forms of government violence and authoritarianism the dictatorial obnoxious in Iraq. They should take all the necessary actions to stop abusive practices of Nouri al-Maliki government, and stop any political, economic or business dealings with this government as long as it does not respect the most basic human rights and custom confirmed heavenly by regulation, laws and the International Bill of Human Rights.Waiting for the answer to their legal legitimate demands,the Iraqi people masses Seize the opportunity to express their deep thanks and appreciation.

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أفضل المقالات اليومية
المقال السابق طباعة المقال أحدث المقالات دليل المواقع تحميل المقال مراسلة الكاتب
أحدث المقالات المضافة
فؤاد الحاج - العالم يعيد هيكلة نفسه وتتغير توازناته فيما العرب تائهين بين الشرق والغرب
ميلاد عمر المزوغي - العراق والسير في ركب التطبيع
فؤاد الحاج - إلى متى سيبقى لبنان ومعه المنطقة في مهب الريح!
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الاخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟- الحلقة الاخيرة
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الاخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟ - الحلقة السادسة
مجلس عشائر العراق العربية في جنوب العراق - ãÌáÓ ÚÔÇÆÑ ÇáÚÑÇÞ ÇáÚÑÈíÉ Ýí ÌäæÈ ÇáÚÑÇÞ íåäÆ ÇáÔÚÈ ÇáÚÑÇÞí æÇáãÓáãíä ßÇÝÉ ÈãäÇÓÈÉ ÚíÏ ÇáÇÖÍì ÇáãÈÇÑß ÚÇã ١٤٤٥ åÌÑíÉ
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أ.د. مؤيد المحمودي - هل يعقل أن الطريق إلى فلسطين لا بد أن يمر من خلال مطاعم كنتاكي في بغداد؟!
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الاخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟ الحلقة الخامسة
د. أبا الحكم - مرة أخرى وأخرى.. متى تنتهي كارثة الكهرباء في العراق؟!
زامل عبد - سؤال مهم، هل المشتركات الايديولوجية بين جماعة الإخوان والصفويين الجدد انعكست في مظلومية غزة الصابرة المحتسبة لله؟ ] - الحلقة الرابعة
القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة - نعي الفريق الركن طالع خليل أرحيم الدوري
مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي - المنصة الشبابية / حرب المصطلحات التفتيتية للهوية العربية والقضية الفلسطينية ( الجزء السادس ) مصطلحات جغرافية وأخرى مشبوهة
الناطق الرسمي باسم حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي - تصريح الناطق الرسمي باسم القيادة القومية لحزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي حول مزاعم ومغالطات خضير المرشدي في مقابلاته على اليوتيوب ( الرد الكامل )
مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي - مكتب الثقافة والإعلام القومي ينعي الرفيق المناضل المهندس سعيد المهدي سعيد، عضو قيادة تنظيمات إقليم كردفان