Iraq’s former pride, its education system, has collapsed. The international seminar in Ghent was a significant first step in determining whether the extrajudicial killings, abductions, forced displacement of Iraqi academics and other professionals, the destruction of the educational infrastructure, during the war and subsequent occupation, are indeed a case of pre-meditated elimination of Iraq’s intellectual elite and education system, and could constitute “Educide”. This word has yet to enter the international dictionary of crimes; it is a composite of education and genocide [which the author has combined] to refer to genocide of the educated segments of Iraqi society. It can only be hoped that both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court will pursue the question of possible educide in Iraq. - Hans Christof von Sponeck ÍÞÇËÞ Úä ÇÈÇÏÉ ÇáÊÚáíã ÇáÚÇáí Ýí ÇáÚÑÇÞ ÇáÒãáÇÁ ÇáÇÚÒÇÁÇÕÏÑÊ ãäÙãÉ ÈÑÓá ÊÑíÈíæäÇá ÇáãäÇåÖÉ ááÍÑÈ æÇÍÊáÇá ÇáÚÑÇÞ ßÊÇÈ æËÇÆÞí ãåã ÌÏÇ ÈÇááÛÊíä ÇáÚÑÈíÉ æÇáÇäßáíÒíÉ íÊÖãä ÍÞÇËÞ Úä ÇÈÇÏÉ ÇáÊÚáíã ÇáÚÇáí Ýí ÇáÚÑÇÞ ãä ÞÈá ÇáÇÍÊáÇá ÇáÇãÑíßí ÇáãÌÑã æÍßæãÊå ÇáÚãíáÉ, ßÐáß íÊÖãä ÇáßÊÇÈ ÊæÕíÇÊ ãÄÊãÑ ÛäÊ Ýí ÈÇáÌíßÇ áÇäÞÇÐ ÇáÇßÇÏíãííä æÇáÊÚáíã Ýí ÇáÚÑÇÞ. Úáì ÇáãäÙãÇÊ æÇáÇÎæÉ ÇáÑÇÛÈíä ÈÇÞÊäÇÁ åÐÇ ÇáßÊÇÈ Çáãåã ÇÚáÇãäÇ Úä ÇáÇÚÏÇÏ æÇáÚäÇæíä áíÊã ÊÌåíÒåã ÈåÇ, ÚáãÇ Çä ÓÚÑ ÇáäÓÎÉ ÇáæÇÍÏÉ ÈÍÏæÏ 9 íæÑæ ÝÞØ. Ï. ÓÚÇÏ äÇÌí ÇáÚÒÇæí To all partner organizations and possible interested persons Dear friends, May we draw your attention to BEYOND EDUCIDE: Recommendations of the International Seminar on the Situation of Iraqi Academics, 09-11 March 2011 at Ghent University. The International Seminar in Ghent on Iraqi Academia and the recommendations it has produced may offer perspectives for the Higher Education Sector in Iraq and constitute an effort to rehabilitate the high standards of education the country once had before it was destroyed by the Imperial powers through economic sanctions, war and occupation. It represents a small step at the beginning of a long journey. The more people who commit to taking this journey, the more likely we are to get there in the end. With this email we would like to seek your cooperation for a maximum distribution of these Recommendations: both in the press, international institutions, politicians and the general public. Enclosed you can find the contents of the booklet that has been published both in English and Arabic. If you want to distribute the booklet, please contact us via Please let us know how many copies you can spread: - Number of copies for free distribution (to be supplied free of charge, except shipping costs) - Number of copies to be sold (can be supplied at € 5 per copy + shipping cost / recommended retail price: : € 9) looking forward to your reply, On behalf BRussells Tribunal & Menarg, Ward Treunen, member of the executive committee