بينا حزب الشعب الثوري الافريقي
بيان دعم حركة المقاومة
بمناسبة يوم التحرير الافريقي
لعام 2007 .
ان حزب الشعب الثوري ، لعموم
افريقيا الذي يوجد مقره في
كوناكري ، غينيا يغتنم هذه
المناسبة و يتمنى لاخواتنا
واخواننا في حركة المقاومة
العراقية تحت قيادة حزب البعث ان
يكونوا باحسن صحة ويتمتعون دوما
بالروح الثوريه. اسمحوا لنا ان
ننتهز هذه الفرصة لنؤكد ما يلي :
(1) اننا نجدد العزم علىاستمرار
الروابط التاريخية والمبدئية مع
حزب البعث الذي تربطنامعه لمدة
اربعة عقود من الزمن.
( 2) اننانطالب الولايات المتحدة
وبريطانيا و"اسرائيل" وسائر الدول
الاستعماريه والامبرياليه
والاستعمار الاستيطاني والاستعمار
، والعنصريه ، والاحتلاليه
الصهيونية والحكومات العميله
الخروج من الشرق الاوسط فورا
وبدون اية شروط ؛
(3) اننا ندعوا الى نصرة حركة
المقاومة العراقية تحت قيادة حزب
ان حزب الشعب الثوري لعموم
افريقيا حزب صغير لكنه حزب ذو
مبادىء و يشارك حزب البعث ارضا
وشعبا ويجمعنا معه تاريخ مشترك
في النضال ضد الظلم وتربطنا امل
مشتركة للمستقبل.
ان حزب الشعب الثوري لعموم
يتعهد ببذل كل ما في وسعهه من
القدرات المتواضعة لدعم حركة
المقاومة العراقية تحت قيادة حزب
البعث في مهمتكم وجهودكم النبيلة
لأن الانتصار في العراق و في
فلسطين وافغانستان ، هو انتصار
لافريقيا والشتات الافريقي ، ولكل
الانسانيه المضطهده
كوادر حزب الشعب الثوري لعموم
The Cadre of the A-APRP (GC).
African Liberation Day 2007
Malcolm X Park
Washington, DC.
Statement to the Iraqi
Resistance Movement!
On the occasion of African
Liberation Day 2007, the
All-African People's
Revolutionary Party, which is
based in Conakry, Guinea, hopes
that our Sisters and Brothers in
the Iraqi Resistance Movement
under the leadership of the
Ba'ath Party are in the very
best of health and revolutionary
Permit the A-APRP (GC) to take
this occassion to:
1 - Reaffirm and renew our four
decades of historic and
principled ties with the Ba'ath
2 - Demand that the United
States, Britain, Israel, and all
other imperialist, colonialist,
settler colonialist,
neo-colonialist, occupationist,
racist, zionist and puppet
governments get out of the
Middle East, immediately and
3 - Call for the total victory
of the Iraqi Resistance Movement
under the leadership of the
Ba'ath Party.
The A-APRP (GC) is a small
party, a principled party, who
shares with the Ba'ath Party a
common territory and people, a
common history of oppression and
struggle, and common aspirations
for the future.
The A-APRP (GC) pledges to do
everything within its humble
capacity to assist the Iraqi
Resistance Movement under the
leadership of the Ba'ath Party
in your noble effort, because
victory in Iraq, in Palestine
and Afghanistan, is victory for
Africa, the African Diaspora,
and for all of Oppressed
The Cadre of the A-APRP (GC).
May 26, 2007
African Liberation Day 2007
Malcolm X Park
Washington, DC.
Please see the Statement sent to
ALD 2007 by the Iraqi Resistance
Movement Supporters.
African Liberation Day 2007
Washington DC- al-moharer.net.-
May 26-A large rally took place
in Washington at Malcolm X Park
in support of African Unity and
in support of all liberation
movements against racism,
occupation, Zionism and
Imperialism led by All African
Peoples Revolutionary Party.
At the rally the AAPRP (GC)
reaffirmed and renewed the
historical and principled
relationship and ties with the
Baath party.
Also it reconfirmed its
uncompromising solidarity and
support for the Iraqi Resistance
Movement under the leadership of
the Baath Party.
It demand that the United
States, British, “Israeli” and
other racist, imperialist, and
settler-colonial governments,
and their puppets and agents to
get out of the Middle East,
immediately and unconditionally.
The Party believes that the
victory of the Iraqi Resistance
Movement, under the leadership
of the Baath Party is
inevitable, and the APPRP offer
its humble, 1st Amendment
protected efforts towards this
The following statement was
delivered to the rally by the
friends and supporters of the
Baath and Resistance
Comrades and Friends,
Ahmed Sekou Toure, the Late
President of Guinea, had a very
comradely relation with Michel
Aflaq, the founder of the Baath
Party, and
also with the Martyr President
Saddam Hussein. He had visited
Iraq several
times. His understanding of the
Arab problems was very profound
genuine... He understood the
nature of the Arab struggle for
and unity. On February 28, 1980
he told Michel Aflaq" The
cooperation must
be strengthened and must be
continuous among those who
believe in unity and
liberation. We give the Arab
Zionist problem all our
attention. There are
many dimensions of the problem
... There is Arab dimension ...
and all the
Arabs must be involved and
concerned ... There is African
dimension where
the Africans must be concerned
and involved.'
Dear Comrades, the relation
between the Baath Party and your
movement is
deep-rooted, it is a relation
that is built on principles
because your
struggle for the Unification of
Africa and the Baath struggle
for the
Liberation and unification of
the Arab Homeland is one and the
Imperialism and Zionism are our
common enemy.
These days, we are facing
difficult times in Iraq and in
The Palestinians are becoming
the deadly target of the
Zionists supported by
the United States with its
allies, the defeatist Arab
regimes. The
Palestinians in Lebanon became
the latest target. It is a
scheme to
exterminate the hope of the Arab
people for Liberation and
The Death squads of the Bush
Government in the Green Zone are
scientists, doctors, educators,
intellectuals, innocent people,
women men,
children, gays , military
officers and pilots who were
involved in the war
against Iran, they want to
destroy the social fabric of
The Iranian Mullahs along with
the United States are supporting
the death
squads and they are trying to
erase the Arab identity of Iraq.
Many Iraqi
cities and sections of Baghdad
are being cordoned with walls
and fences, a
lesson the US learned from the
Zionist entity to oppress the
people and make
them an easy target.
More than 1500 Baath leaders and
cadres were assassinated in the
south alone
at the hands of the death
squads. The Great Leader, Saddam
Hussein and his
comrades, Barazan Tikriti,
Bandar Saadoun and Taha Yassin
Ramadan were
murdered because they refused to
call on the Baath and Resistance
to lay
down their arms and join the
stooges of the Green Zone. Their
strengthened the Resistance and
gave a booster to the Party in
the Arab
Homeland. The Party now is
healthier, stronger and more
The occupation forces in Iraq
are very desperate, the Baath
and its National
and Islamic Resistance are
having the upper hand, and the
Resistance is
spreading allover Iraq, in the
north, in the center and in the
Victory is near.
Comrades and Friends, you must
honor the words of Leader Ahmad
Sekou Toure, "Africans
must be concerned and involved."
We expect you to be involved.
The American
Indians who were exposed to
genocide under US Imperialism
must be involved
and concerned.
Committees must be established
to work diligently against the
war and in
support of the Iraqi National
Resistance and the Baath Party.
The Africans
must be the spearhead of this
Let us renew and honor the
spirits of Patrice Lumumba,
Kwame Ture, Ahmed
Sekou Toure, Gamal Abdel Nasser,
Kwame Nkrumah , Saddam Hussein
and all those who sacrificed
their lives for the sake of
freedom and liberation.
Long Live Africa free and
Long live Palestine Free from
the River to the Sea.
Long live the Iraqi National
Resistance and the Baath Party.
Friends and Supporters of the
Baath and the Resistance
May 25, 2007