Holds $50 Billion of Iraq’s
Financial Reserves Hostage
The Independent of London
reports the United States is
holding hostage some $50 billion
of Iraq’s money in the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York to
pressure the Iraqi government
into signing an agreement to
prolong the US occupation
indefinitely. Patrick Cockburn
reports the Federal Reserve
continues to hold Iraq’s
financial reserves as a legacy
of the international sanctions
against Saddam Hussein. US
negotiators are threatening to
remove tens of billions of
dollars of Iraq’s money to
settle outstanding court
judgments dating back to the
1980s unless Iraq accepts the
highly controversial military
deal. The deal would allow the
US to permanently keep more than
fifty military bases in Iraq.
American forces would also be
able to continue to carry out
arrests of Iraqi citizens and
conduct military campaigns
without consultation with the
Iraqi government. American
soldiers and contractors will
enjoy legal immunity. |